Our Future

Many centuries ago, long before others had dared, our forebearers explored the vast expansion of the Moana Pasifika guided by the stars and a deep held conviction that beyond the crest of the next wave lay the riches of a brighter future.  They set out not knowing what lay ahead, a perilous and unforgiving journey – with courage and a spirit of adventure – they set sail into the vast unknown.

Like them, we set-out to make Renewable Energy a conner stone of our energy generation in the Pacific. For so long we are beholden to fossil fuels and have struggled to embrace the world wide movement to green energy. Unlike our forebearers, we now have the knowledge and the proven technology to make it happen.

Join us on this adventure and make it happen.

Sign up to follow our progress in the Cook Islands by clicking on the link below.

Together, we will ignite the flames of change.

The Blue Pacific is our home, climate change is real, let nature power our future.

Together we can make it happen

IOTR Energy is a Renewable Energy (RE) developer with a focus on Solar PV systems and climate mitigation solutions. We are a private sector start-up, combining a large number of small-scale projects that can be aggregated at a sectoral level. As an RE developer we specialize in the following RE and Climate Mitigation (CM) solutions:

  • PV Solar Farms

  • Plug and Play residential or commercial PV systems

  • EV Transportation systems – grid tied solar ‘fast charging’ stations and EV fleets

A lot has been said about Renewable Energy and yet we continue to rely heavily on more expensive and costly fossil fuels to generate our power. The arguments commonly rests on the notion that it is too hard and the upfront costs make it unaffordable for many. These arguments no longer hold and IOTR Energy with your help can deliver these Renewable Energy and Climate Mitigation solutions. These solutions are not only climate friendly but will cost you far less than existing options. To be part of this journey, sign up and register your interest to follow our progress in the Cook Islands by clicking on the link below.

Let Nature Power Our Future